DRAWDA | Mythological Mural Trail | Boann

  • 31st Dec
  • All Day Event
  • Old Abbey Lane
For more information on this event please contact 041 98 33946

          DRAWDA | Mythological Mural Trail | Boann

DRAWDA - a curated multidisciplinary public arts programme that will take place in Drogheda, Co. Louth between November 2021, and April 2022, culminating in an Urban Art Trail throughout Drogheda that will focus on key figures and moments from our mythological past.

Boann by Lula Goce (Abbey Lane)

Lula Goce has depicted the ancient story of Boann. Boann was the goddess of the Boyne, who's name was given to the river after an erupting well carried her to the sea, where she fatefully drowned.

Lula Goce, a graduate of fine art and painting from Spain, discovered a thriving underground graffiti scene during some time living in Barcelona, and thus her love for urban art festivals began. Lula enjoys the dialogue that is established between passers-by and residents alike as wall art takes shape and in its finality alters community spaces and neighbourhoods for the better. The fact these pieces become integral to the area, drives Lula to new heights of artistic endeavour when creating these pieces. The protagonists of her work are almost always women and children combined with nature. 

Many thanks to all the partners engaged in this piece including Louth County Council, David Courtney and all at Bru Digital Hub, the d hotel, Colourtrend Paints, Murtagh's of Drogheda & Height for Hire.  

Produced by Droichead Arts Centre and Love Drogheda B.I.D.S (Business Improvement District Scheme), in partnership with Louth County Council Arts Office and curators Dee Walsh and Brian Hegarty (33-45). Working together with local, national and international artists, and mythologist Anthony Murphy, to deliver six murals based on some of the key figures from Irish Mythology who are rooted in the Boyne Valley region, the project was delivered across a number of strands which will draw on Drogheda’s significant rich heritage, mythology and architecture. 

Funded by the Arts Council under In the Open | Faoin Spéir Initiative, Louth County Council, Love Drogheda BIDS and Town & Village Accelerated Measures funding. Supported by the d hotel, Colourtrend Paints and Murtagh's of Drogheda.

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